Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another book I'm reading

Started  "Gods & Monsters" by Lyn Benedict.

Third in a Dark UF series... are there any other types? I think some aren't quite as dark as others. This is a Darker one.   A bit different. This is not one of my favorite series but still worth the reading.  Lyn is a great story teller and I want to be like her in that respect.

Lyn has her MC get "irritated to the bones" too much. Seems like almost anything gets under her skin, of course she is an angry person-- partly because of her emotional baggage and partly because she is that type of person. And I'm not that crazy about what is going on with her little sister--in this book it takes up very little space so far, or that must magic workers don't like the MC.

But as I said it's worth a read- I'm reading it very quickly-- when not writing like crazy during this vacation I'm reading.

 And I add that this series is one of the main reasons I came up with my angel kin novel. Haven't said much about that one but I'm writing it at work so it will take a while and might be shorter than 50,000 words... we shall see how much I come up with.

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