
Full  Urban Fantasy 97,000 word novel adventure of  NA a very young mage with a lot of emotional baggage who has been given a responsibility way above her pay grade.  Danger and adventure.

Here is the link to Barnes and Noble  Here it is at smashwords

And for those who like paper books here:  Amazon

Hi, my name is NA, I found myself in the middle of a situation worse than anything I have been involved in before. I was born with a special ability, but in this case will it be enough save my friends---and me?

There is a flu going around making Users and Mages sick, and killing some. It is NA’s job—she has the special geas to prove it—to find the cause and to stop it, before something terrible happens.

She just has to get around her emotional baggage, a grizzly, a griffin, ghosts, an AI Trick, and an angry abuser who wants revenge on NA. At the same time, she has to figure out what a friend is.

She is out of her pay grade, has no plan to find, or defeat the cause, and is caught in a wave of anger at her friends. Yet, somehow she is the only one who can stop this flu.

The geas and the Power behind it, must have made a mistake and sent it to the wrong person. However, since she has it, it’s her job to stop a horrible event from happening. To make it worse she has a deadline: one she doesn’t know even exists. A large job for a Freak with a lot of emotional baggage, and doubts.

Set of 7 fantasy stories with a flash bonus. 

The link to B&N for this one

And this too at the other place


Set of 5 SF tales with two flash bonuses.

This one at the smash words

And here is an exciting second tale with NA from Above My PayGradeX2 it is at the  usual locations. Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, iTunes, Kobo and more

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