Friday, April 19, 2013

'nother April 5 update PS

Just finally finished a story I wrote a few weeks ago. I mean totally finished, revised, spell proofreader checked, double checked certain words I sometimes interchange, ready to go.

It's a 10,000--just under--word Horror, Relationship, Paranormal-Urban Fantasy tale.

I think I feel proud of it. Which is strange for me. I haven't even sent it out yet, it's my writing--no reason to feel pride.
But on second thought maybe there is a reason. No matter how well-or not-it is written, the story is what I wanted it to be, it explores my MC's emotion, it has the five human senses, it shows her feelings and it has all the scenes I wanted. It could still have too much Tell--in the wrong places--and not all the commas might be used correctly and it probably has other problems but as I said it is what I wanted it to be in every way.

It goes out tomorrow to Fantasy&Science Fiction. I kinda of want to send it to Beneath Ceaseless Skies but as I understand their guidelines they don't want paranormal-UF.

I also sort of want to send it to WotF next quarter. Who knows down the road I might.

It's the first story I did right after Dean Wesley Smith's Essentials online workshop Look Here

He liked the seven openings I did for the workshop and I tried to do this one like he said to do those.

(Shoulder shrug) I don't know if it worked. It didn't with one other story evidently.

One thing about my inspiration--many times I see things and get inspired. This story came from a cover. More on this idea in another post I'm planning.  But I think I have already explained the cover here somewhere.

I also have another story to finish this weekend. Another of my Urban Alchemist series. Most of which are flash or under 1,000 words. I've sent a couple out but some are still on paper and I think one needs revising...make that at least one. But this one is half on paper half in my mind. I want to type it all out this weekend. It might be under 1,000 words or just over not quite sure yet.

That's it for now.

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