Monday, May 30, 2011

Finished it and other WIPs

Yay, I finished "Storm Born".  The Bad guy is defeated, probably never to return but no one knows what happened to the assistant, in fact he may have been forgotten. But I decided to make him the strange book- occultic store owner who bugged my MC at one point. And relationships have been repaired--mostly and my MC has made friends with a rather mean unicorn and decided his wizard acquaintance was more of a friend  after all.

I do need to split part of chapter fourteen and make it fifteen. But the novel is long enough and will be even longer once I do the revision and add things like the description and name of the city the action takes place in.

I haven't done much work on the second revision of Bright Lights though. Maybe half a chapter.

Did some work on New Mage. I think I may go with another chapter. I thought the next one would be it but I think something else has to happen even though I'm not sure what. Something to do with the relationship with her friends and probably some type of danger scene. I haven't had one for a chapter at least.

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