Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year All And......

Happy New Year

May you have a really good Year, including one with hope and Joy and Peace.  Whether you had a great '14, a bad one, one with both good and bad, or even a mediocre one without any Great joys nor Bad pains remember 15 can be a year of change or an even better life.  Jesus Christ said that He would leave us Peace that goes beyond understanding and He would not leave us alone in this world. The Holy Spirit can be with us while we face The Good, The Bad or the In-between. Hope is there for us too because God is with us--as we learned with Christmas-and He knows what He is doing. Nothing takes Him by surprise or by hook or crook. He can’t be conned either. 

I am talking about a relationship with that Jesus of the Bible, not just going to church, or not just reading the Bible. And the person of Jesus in our lives: with us as we live our lives. He loves you enough to make a difference in your live now and Heaven later on. 

He is more on Hope; a Billy Graham video

And a second one dealing with the Cross. Why it is important to us now. 

And a link how to contact my church if you would like more info on Jesus-hope-salvation, Juts put what info you need in the header,  or leave a comment here. 

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