Wednesday, January 6, 2010


well, well I came up with two ideas today, which for me isn't unusual.

The first one is a story I was working on at work. A space opera story where a third officer has to take over a warship to escape a tarp. Today I thought that would make a good novel, so I might use that story as the proloque. The third officer is now an admiral in a war that has been going on for twenty years with three breaks. A 14 month break, a 4 year break and a 5 year and 5 month break. All of that is subject to change.

Second idea is another urban fantasy Originally I was thinking of a guy sort of, kinda like Wren in Gilman's series but maybe I will make him a normal human who is working with two-brother sister- fantasy beings. Not vampires not werewolves but two of another kind that I haven't seen used as a main character like this. He is their go between or the one who deals with other humans for them as well as friend and co-adventurer. Maybe they are secret because humans don't know about their kind or they are known but are on the fringe or they separate themselves from humans living in their own areas. Except for certain ones, including this brother and sister. Of course they have some powers. As before this is subject to change if I ever get to writing a novel about them.

L. E.
Trying to turn lead into Gold

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I'm working on turning lead into Gold