Saturday, October 2, 2010

More on McGuire's book

As much as I like her writing I have two complaints.

One is: how about a list of who is who?  I forgot, until, she reminded us readers who Danny was. And I pretty much know Conner and Dayes' daughter, the cats and Spike (You will have to read the books to find out who these are) but who are Mitch and Stacy?  I might remember tomorrow, as I said it's late, but right now I have no idea. And all of the other kids at this after sundown party--are there really that many well adjusted half feys?

Speaking of that it seems like suddenly Daye has a lot more friends. Danny is one example. Seems like they barely knew each other.

The second compliant is that now I may have to start another novel. I'm working on three all are UF, different universes though, Two I want done by Christmas and one I'm just kind playing with at work so I can write and to get the idea out of my head. While thinking back on how I think she started her last novel, with Daye going out on the town with two female friends, an idea for an opening popped into my mind.  Now I'm going to have to do it some time. Of course it could be an idea for a Short story but it feels too large for that . It may end up being the introduction of a flashback. How she got into that situation, but I haven't decided for sure.

But it is fun working out those ideas--deciding which way what character is to go etc..


  1. Aha! You're the one who hooked me on her books. I knew it was someone at Hatrack but I couldn't remember who.

    I blame you that I now have to wait until March for the next one! I sucked down all three. She does have some really great ideas.


  2. I take the credit for that. :)

    But I also have to wait until March. And not only for that one. Butcher's next paperback won't be out until then and I think there's another one that's suppose to be out around then.

    But if you like her you may like Margaret Ronald's series. It might be the Hound series. First one is "Spiral Hunt" . I think the writing is close to McGuire's style.

    And you may like the one I did for NaNo

  3. Oooh, thanks for the tip. I added Spiral Hunt to my Santa List, it looks interesting. So many books, so little time. :)

    I've been listening to the Butcher audio books, but I haven't gotten very far along yet. I'm not overly fond of the main character for some reason. My husband enjoys them a lot, though.

    Patricia Briggs newest one is coming out in March too (busy month I guess). I don't know if you've read her, but I rather like her.

  4. Coral I assume you're my second follower, thanks...I needed that. :)

    Yeah, Harry isn't always a neat, likable hero-he sometimes moans too much- but as he has his good points. Overall I like him.

    I have read Briggs Dragon bones books and have thought about her Raven-I think- books. For some reason her shape changer series, which might be the one you refer to, doesn't totally appeal to me.

    You might like the Mark Del Franco series. There's two of them set in the same world. Some of my latest posts deal with them.

    And of course John Levitt-great newer writer. And the Laura Anne Gillman two series. Same as Mark both set in the same world. but in her case it's the same city and might be the same Brownhouse. I believe her Wren books are partly responsible for the huge UF explosion we are experiencing.

    If you're on Hatrack maybe some day you can read my Fey UF novel, if you want to help clean it up. :)
    If not you may have to wait until it's published....

    maybe some day.


I'm working on turning lead into Gold